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Narrow road to the interior and other writings

Translated by Sam Hamill

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The most complete single-volume collection of the writings of one of the great luminaries of Asian literature. Basho (1644-1694) – who elevated the haiku to an art form of utter simplicity and intense spiritual beauty – is best known in the West as the author of Narrow Road to the Interior, a travel diary of linked prose and haiku that recounts his journey through the far northern provinces of Japan. Included here is a masterful translation of this celebrated work, along with three other less well-known but important works by Basho: Travelogue of Weather-Beaten Bones, The Knapsack Notebook, and Sarashina Travelogue. There is also a selection of over 250 of Basho’s finest haiku. In addition, the translator has provided an introduction detailing Basho’s life and work and an essay on the art of haiku.

notes: Contents: Narrow road to the interior, Travelogue of weather-beaten bones, The knapsack notebook, Sarashina travelogue, Selected haiku. Previous ed.: The essential Basho, 1999.
subjects: Edo period
genre: Biography/Memoir
ISBN: 9781570627163
OCLC number: 43845643
publisher: Shambhala, Distributed in the U.S. by Random House, 1999, 2000
publication place: Boston
english publication date: 1999
document type: Book
description: xxxiii, 184 p. : map ; 23 cm.
related: Shambhala classics.