Author: Dogen
A primer of Soto Zen
The Shobogenzo Zuimonki consists largely of brief talks, hortatory remarks, and instructional and cautionary comments by the Soto Zen Master Dogen.
Dogen’s extensive record : a translation of the Eihei koroku
Dogen is known for two major works. The first work, the massive Shobogenzo (Treasury of the True Dharma Eye), represents his earlier teachings and exists in numerous English translations; the second work, the Eihei Koroku, is a collection including almost all his later teachings, such as short formal discourses to the monks training at his…
Moon in a dewdrop
Twenty essays from Dogen’s Treasury of the True Dharma Eye (Shobogenzo) constitute the main portion of this book. Four important texts originally written as independent works are also included, along with a selection of Dogen’s poetry.
The Shobogenzo, or, The treasure house of the eye of the true teachings
Master Dogen’s Shobogenzo