Author: Mishima Yukio
“Was it death he was now waiting for? Or a wild ecstasy of the senses?” For the young army officer of Yukio Mishima’s seminal story, “Patriotism,” death and ecstasy become intertwined. With his unique rigor and passion, Mishima hones in on the body as the great tragic stage for all we call social, ritual, political.
Confessions of a mask
Death in midsummer, and other stories.
Thirst for love
A woman’s obsessive love for an 18-year-old youth destroys her.
Sun & steel.
This is the personal testament of Japan’s greatest novelist, written shorty before his public suicide in 1970. Through Mishima’s finely wrought and emphatic prose, the mind and motivation behind his agonized search for personal identity is revealed.
Forbidden Colors
In Tokyo, a young man with homosexual tendencies is paid by a famous writer to humiliate three women who have made the writer unhappy.
My friend Hitler and other plays of Yukio Mishima.
The sound of waves
Set in a remote fishing village in Japan, The Sound of Waves is a timeless story of first love. A young fisherman is entranced at the sight of the beautiful daughter of the wealthiest man in the village. They fall in love, but must then endure the calumny and gossip of the villagers.
The way of the samurai : Yukio Mishima on Hagakure in modern life
The temple of the golden pavilion.
The son of a poor rural priest becomes an acolyte at the Temple of the Golden Pavilion. Mizoguchi had built up an image of ideal beauty in his mind based on this Golden Pavilion; this ideal image causes him to feel disappointed in any supposed form of beauty, even the actual physical Golden Pavilion. He…