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Self portraits : tales from the life of Japan’s great decadent romantic

Translated by Ralph F. McCarthy
japanese title: Dazai Osamu tanpenshu
notes: Japanese title: Dazai Osamu tanpenshu. Short stories, including: My elder brothers, Train, Female, Seascape with figures in gold, No kidding, A promise fulfilled, One hundred views of Mount Fuji, I can speak, A little beauty, Canis familiaris, Thinking of Zenzo, Eight scenes from Tokyo, Early light, Garden, Two little words, Merry Christmas, Handsome devils and cigarettes, Cherries.
subjects: Social life and customs
genre: Fiction
ISBN: 9780870117794
OCLC number: 22242949
publisher: Kodansha International, Distributed in the U.S. by Kodansha International/USA
publication place: New York
english publication date: 1991
document type: Book
description: 230 p. : ill. ; 22 cm.