A young samurai by the name of Seichiro Matsunaga, trained in swordfighting by non other than the legendary samurai Musashi Miyamoto, finds himself in Yoshiwara (the pleasure quarters of old Tokyo), per Miyamoto’s dying wishes. In Yoshiwara, Seichiro finds himself defending its denizens against what may be spies from the Yagyu Clan, including one young woman named Oshabu, whose story runs deeper than still water suggests.
japanese title: | Yoshiwara gomenjo |
notes: | Japanese title: Yoshiwara gomenjo. |
subjects: | Samurai |
genre: | Fiction |
ISBN: | 9781934287019 |
OCLC number: | 174131432 |
publisher: | Vertical |
publication place: | New York |
japanese publication date: | 1984-1986 |
english publication date: | 2008 |
document type: | Book |
description: | 301 p. ; 23 cm. |