This novel tells the story of Chieko, the adopted daughter of a Kyoto kimono designer, Takichiro, and his wife, Shige. Since her youth, Chieko has been told that she was kidnapped as a baby by the couple in a moment of profound desire. When she is twenty, however, she learns that she was actually a foundling, abandoned by her real parents. Still, the love and affection Takichiro and Shige have given her satisfy her heart and she has no desire to seek out her biological parents, until she makes a startling discovery before the altar of Yasaka shrine. This work was specifically cited by the Nobel committee as one of the three novels for which the author was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1968.
japanese title: | Koto |
notes: | Japanese title: Koto. |
genre: | Fiction |
ISBN: | 9780865472785 |
OCLC number: | 15726729 |
publisher: | North Point Press, 1987; Shoemaker & Hoard, Distributed by Publishers Group West, 2006 |
publication place: | San Francisco; Emeryville, CA |
japanese publication date: | 1962 |
english publication date: | 1987 |
document type: | Book |
description: | vi, 164 p. ; 21 cm. |