Tokyo detective Samejima is so methodical and unrelenting in hunting criminals and thugs that he is known as the Shinjuku Shark. Feared by the yakuza (Japanese mob), he’s reckless and a loner. But when a serial killer targets the city’s officers with a mysterious weapon, Samejima begins investigating illegal arms dealers and gun traffickers who might know about the weapon and who has been using it.
japanese title: | Shinjukuzame |
notes: | Japanese title: Shinjukuzame. |
subjects: | Police, Fiction |
genre: | Fiction |
ISBN: | 9781932234374 |
OCLC number: | 132316637 |
publisher: | Vertical, 2007, 2008 |
publication place: | New York |
japanese publication date: | 1990 |
english publication date: | 2007 |
document type: | Book |
description: | 285 p. ; 22 cm. |