With a determined plan to reunite his mother and father, the 10-year-old boy named Wataru knowingly enters a fantasy realm inhabited by a goddess who has the power to change destiny. With the help of the Lizard Boy, the Cat Girl, and the Fire-breathing Dragon, Wataru faces a series of seemingly insurmountable obstacles on this once-in-a-lifetime adventure. One way or another, the young hero must reach the Tower of Destiny and bring his mother and father back together again.
japanese title: | Bureibu sutori |
notes: | Japanese title: Bureibu sutori. |
genre: | Fiction |
ISBN: | 9781421511962 |
OCLC number: | 85766271 |
publisher: | VIZ Media, 2007, 2008, 2009 |
publication place: | San Francisco |
japanese publication date: | 2003 |
english publication date: | 2007 |
document type: | Book |
description: | 816 p. : ill., col. map ; 24 cm. |