Translated from the Japanese by Christopher Drake, Robert Brady, Odagawa Kazuko, Eric Selland, William I. Elliott and Kawamura Kazuo. This anthology contains the books of five poets—Fujii Sadakazu, Hirata Toshiko, Matsuura Hisaki, Yoshida Fuminori, Inagawa Masato—who emerged in the 1970s and 1980s as the voice of a new tradition, asserting an individual voice against the tide of “masu komi” media expression that has created a psychological and spiritual void in today’s Japan.
notes: | Preface by Thomas Fitzsimmons and Suzuki Shiroyasu. Introductions by Gozo Yoshimasu. |
genre: | Poetry |
ISBN: | 9780942668360 |
OCLC number: | 27146293 |
publisher: | Katydid Books. Distributed by University of Hawaii Press |
publication place: | Santa Fe, Honolulu |
english publication date: | 1993 |
document type: | Book |
description: | 186 p. : illustrated ; 23 cm. |
related: | Asian poetry in translation, Japan #15. |